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Showing 1214 items for OEF in the Media
Saddam M. Ahmed - Communications and Visibility Specialist
Noviembre 20, 2023

Inspiring Women in Bandarbeyla: The Story of Buho Mohamed

Buho Mohamed, a resident of Bandarbeyla district in Puntland, has become a shining example of empowerment and positive change in her community. With a family of seven to support, she embarked on a journey of change that began with One Earth Future’s Secure Fisheries Program.
Agencia para la Reincorporación y la Normalización (ARN)
Noviembre 01, 2023

Firmantes de Paz y campesinos del Catatumbo trabajan en biofábricas en Norte de Santander

La ARN acompaña la cuarta gira de la Red de Paz del Catatumbo, liderada por PASO Colombia. Asociaciones de firmantes de paz y comunidades campesinas lideran proyectos de biofábricas en el marco de esta Red, que cuenta con el respaldo aliados clave en el territorio, y cuya apuesta está dirigida a dar...
Octubre 31, 2023

OEF's New Strategy Advances Efforts toward Achieving Sustainable Peace

November 1–One Earth Future Foundation (OEF) today launched a new strategic plan that will further advance its efforts to achieve sustainable peace. Over the next five years, OEF will migrate from a self-funded program incubator to a competency-based partner of choice for other actors who are workin...
Mohamed M. Abdullahi - Program Manager Secure Fisheries
Septiembre 29, 2023

Co-Management Project Will Transform Fisheries Management in Jubbaland

Kismayo, Somalia - In a pioneering effort to revolutionize fisheries in the Jubbaland region of Somalia, One Earth Future’s Secure Fisheries program has embarked on a groundbreaking co-management project set to bring transformative change to the way fisheries are managed in the area.
Septiembre 21, 2023

Convocatoria abierta

Consultoría estratégica en el sector del cacao
Convocatoria abierta para una consultoría orientada a formar y gestionar la empleabilidad en el sector cacaotero de Arauca.
Septiembre 14,2023

ERA of Brotherhood

In the municipality of Saravena, this ERA was created to strengthen collaboration between the migrant and vulnerable population of the border, through training, agricultural activities, and food for children.