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Showing 217 items for Opinion and Insights
February 08, 2018

No Justice, No Peace: More than Just a Slogan?

Governing fairly is an essential element in creating peaceful societies. That’s what David Cortright, Conor Seyle, and Kristin Wall argue in their new book Governance for Peace. In peaceful societies, people rely on governance institutions to solve conflicts—they do not take up arms to fight their c...
December 21, 2017

Fish, Food Security, and Violent Conflict

“If you’re interested in conservation, you’d better be interested in conflict. So argues Dr. Tim McClanahan, one of the world’s most highly cited fisheries academics.
December 13, 2017

Working Locally and Transnationally: Making UN Peacekeeping More Effective

Threats by terrorist and militant organizations are becoming increasingly transnational, posing serious challenges to single country-focused UN missions. This fourth blog in our UN Peacekeeping series calls for making peacekeeping less state-centric through local and regional collaboration.&nbs...
December 12, 2017

Taming the Wild West: How Better Governance Leads to Peace

Something happened in the American West over the past 200 years, part of a global trend. It used to be that when there were tensions between locals here—disagreements over water use, or mineral rights, or just feuds that went back and forth between families—eventually someone would be killed.
November 01, 2017

Why We Kill: Populism as a Path to Violence

Groups that have longstanding animosity are not bound to harm each other; they need populist leaders willing to fan the flames, who believe that encouraging violence against civilians will bring some benefit. Demagoguery is not inevitable. People of diverse nations, faiths, and political parties tol...